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Task Three: Why are different places similar?


Different places are similar because we all relate. By relating that makes different places similar as well as how the soil is so we grow similar crops.  


A. Give examples of changes in economy and culture occurring at global and local scales


Examples of changes in economy and culture occurring at global and local scales are for global is different trends. By having new and different trends it changes how people see different things and talk about things. Also it changes different types they like, and dont like. For local scales is therre are more changes because not only do they change global wise but inside the city they have their own trends as well as there own hobbies.


B. Identify the three properties of distribution across space


There are three properties of distribution across space. They are dispersed, clustered, and random distribution which are made because of satalites in outerspace. 


C. . Describe different ways in which geographers approach aspects of cultural identity such as gender, ethnicity, and sexuality


Different ways in which geographers approach aspects of cultural identity such as gender, ethnicity, and sexuality are to look at all of them closely because it really helps. All these aspects make a difference because it helps find trends and different popular things. It helps collect information.


D. Describe how characteristics can spread cross space over time through diffusion


Characteristics can spread cross space over time through diffusion because of how popular something is. If it is popular everyone wants it. It spreads because with today’s technology once one thing is a trend in one place it quickly spreads.  


E.  Explain how places are connected through networks and how inequality can hinder connections


Places are connected through networks because it makes it easier to communicate and do other things.  Inequality can hinder connections because 


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