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Task Two:Why is each point on earth unique?


Each point on Earth is unique because every part has its history to it. Some places have better history than others but the whole world is important. Also very point is unique because it all shows a different things and meanings to geographers.


A. Identify geographic characteristics of places, including toponym, site and situation


 Situation is location of a place on Earth relative to other places. Site is physical characteristics of a place. Toponym is the name by which a geographical place is known. 


B. Identify the three types of regions. Provide examples of each


The three types of regions are formal regions, functional regions, and vernacular region. Some examples of formal regions are Canada, Rocky Mountains, and rice growing areas. Examples of functional regions are Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco Bay Area. Examples of vernacular regions are Southern California, Tampa Bay Area, The South and the Gold Coast. 


C. Describe two geographic definitions of culture.


Two geographic definitions of culture are, one it goes into more of what people believe and eat etc. FOr example foods, the music listen to and how they celebrate different events. secondly, there is location culture by where they live and how they are similar or different from other places.


D.  Describe the site and and situation of Los Banos.


The situation for Los Banos is Central or California or West of Nevada OR South of Canada. THe site for Los Banos is more of a small town, and we have farm land for cotton. Also we have cows and horses as well as some stores but no big ones like costco or a mall.  


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