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I. Where are Ethnicities Distributed? 


 A. The ethicities are distributed in many different places based on who you are. Ethnicity is often confused for race which had to do with more of who you are biologically. For ethnicity your in a group that share a hearth or particular homeland.


A. Identify and describe the major ethnicities in the United States.


A. The major ethicities in the United States are Hispanics, African Americans, and Asian Americans. The Hispanics migrated to the United States as well as the Asian Americans. The African Americans were here from when they were brought for slavery. 


B. Describe the distribution of major US ethnicities among states and within urban areas.


 A.  The distribution of major ethnicities among states are, for hispanics they are more towards the Southwest states, African Americans are more towards the Southeast. Lastly for Asian Americans they are in the West. Within urban areas African Americans and Hispanics are clustered in urban areas more towards inner city neighborhoods. 


II. Why did ethnicities have distinctive distributions??


 A. Ethnicities has distinctive distribtions because there are ethnicities that cluster and that causes the distinctive distributions.  


A. Describe the patterns of forced and voluntary migration of African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans.


 A. The patterns of forced migration for African Americans are that they trace back to their heritage when they were slaves. For example, they are starting to  The patterns of voluntary migration of Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans trace there heritage for when they came for rights like political freedom. 


B. Describe the patterns of migration of African Americans within the United States.


 A. African Americans have moved from the south to the northern states in the early twentieth century. Most have moved into ghettos that have expanded from the inner city.  


C. Explain the laws once used to segregate races in the United States and South Africa.


 A. The laws that where once used to segregate races in the United States and South Africa, was once legal. That was a while ago before that a law was passed against it in the late twentieth century. 


III. Why do conflicts arise among ethnicities??


 A. Conficts arised among ethnicties because many ethincites think that they are supreme to others. They think that they are better. Also conflict happen when ethnicities are divided. 


A. Explain the difference between ethnicity and nationality.


 A. The difference between ethnicity and nationality is ethnicity is the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition and nationality is the status of belonging to a particular nation. 


B. Identify and describe the principle ethnicities in Lebanon and Sri Lanka


 A. The principle ethnicities in Lebanon and Sri Lanka are that they are an example of a place that cant live in peace. 


C. Describe how the Kurds, as well as ethnicities in South Asia, have been divided among more than one nationality.


 A. Kurds are an example of dividing among more than one nationality.  There people dont all follow the same thing. 


D. Identify and describe the principle ethnicities of Western Asia.


 A. The principle ethnicities in Western Asia are that they have a lack of correspondence between their territority occupied by there ethnicties and their nationality. 


IV. Why do ethnicities engage in ethnic cleansing and genocide? 


 A. Ethnicties engage in ethic cleansing and genocide because Ethnic cleansing is a process in which a more powerful ethnic group forcibly removes a less powerful one in order to create anethnically homogeneous region.


A. Describe the process of ethnic cleansing.


A. Balkans have under taken the process of ethic cleansing. 


B. Explain the concept of ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.


A. The concept of ethnic cleansing in the Balkans is Balkanization, which is a process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities.


C. Explain the principle episodes of genocide in northeastern Africa and central Africa. 


A. Genocide is the mass killing of a group of people in an attempt to eliminate the entire group from existence. The principles episodes of genocide in northeastern Africa and central Africa are in Sudan, Somalia, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.


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