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I. Why do religions have different distributions?


A. Religions have different distributions for many reasons. One reason is that they have different orgins. For universal religions they have known orgins and clear patterns of there distribution. For ethnic religions they normally have small distribution and their orgin is unknown. 


A. Describe what a universalizing religion is and what an ethnic religion is. Explain the differences in the origin of universalizing and ethnic religions.

A. A universalizing religion is when faiths that seek to convert nonbelievers to their ranks. Ethnic religion is a religions that are primarily associated with one ethnicity. The differences in the origin of both are universal religions has a single historical indivivual and ethnic relgions have unknown orgins. 


B. Compare the diffusion of universalizing and ethnic religions.


A.​ The diffusion of universal religons is a lot faster than ethnic religions. Universal religions difffuse all over the world from their orgin but for ethnic religions they dont diffuse far from their orgins. 


II. Where are religions distributed?


​A. Religons are distributed into two categories. Universal and ethnic religions. The three major universal religions are Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam, which each has their own distribution or branches. The major ethnic group is Hinduism.


A. Describe the distribution of the major religions


​A. The distribution of major religions is more wide spread than all he others. The major religions are Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam. Christianity is in Europe and Western Hemisphire. Buddhism is located in East Asia. Hinduism is located in South Asia and Islam is located in other regions in Asia and in North Africa.  


B. Describe the distribution of the major branches of Christianity


​A. The major branches of Christianity are Roman Catholic, Protestants, and the Orthodox. The Roman Catholics are located in SouthWest Europe and Latin America. Protestants are located NorthWest Europe and North America. For Orthodox they are located mainly Eastern Europe. 


C. Identify the major branches of Islam and Buddhism


A. The major branches of Islam are Sunni and Shiite and for Buddhism the major branches are Mahayna and Theravada.


D. Describe the distribution of the largest ethnic religions


A. The distribution of the largest ethnic religion is for Hindhism. Its mainly clustered in India. For other big ethnic religions they are mainly in Asia.


III. Why do religions organize space in distinctive patterns?


A. Religions organize space is in distinctive patterns because holy places and holidays in a universalizing religion are related to events in the life of its founder or prophet and ethnic religions are related to the local physical geography.


A. Explain why places are sacred in universalizing religions


A. Places are sacred in universalizing religions because they derive from events in the founder's life. Also it could be a plpace where their god or gods or spirt etc. might have visited and had a important event there. 


B. Analyze the importance of physical geography in ethnic religions.


A. The physical geography in ethnic religions is important because holy places derive from the physical geography where the religion's adherents are clustered.


IV. Why do territorial conflicts arise among religious groups?


A. Territorial conflicts arise among religious groups for many reasons. One is that their is only so much room on the earth and with four major religions taking up most of it there is little room for those religions that are not as big. Also people fight over territory because certain spots might be holy to more than one religion. 


A. Analyze reasons for religious conflict in the Middle East.


A. One reason there is religious conflict in the Middle East is because there are certain spots that are sacred places and are important to more than one religion. Also there are spots where it use to belong to another religion and the next religion kicks them out and tries to build something over the old temples or other sacred places. Lastly there is a conflict because some religions just dont get along because of what they believe in and how they express it. 


B. Explain the importance of Jerusalem to Jews, Muslims, and Christians 


A. The importance of Jerusalem to Jews, Muslims, and Christians is fairly simple. Its important to the Jews because its a holy city, and the Jews consider the soil and the air to be holy and sacred. Also for Jerusalem is the capital for Judaism.

For Muslims its important because Muslims carry a special place for the city in their hearts and has a strong emotional association to it. Also it was the first Qibla for Muslims and the Dome Rock is there. 

Jerusalem is important for Christians becase that is where Jesus Christ was brought to occasionally as a child, preached to the poor in his adult life, crucified in the end of his life, and resurrected by God. 



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