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I. Where are Languages Distributed?


Languages are distributed everywhere, and all over. Everyone communicates in someway, making it their own language but still is a language. 


A. Identify the names and distribution of the two largest language families


The two largest language families are Indo-European, and Sino- Tibetan. The Indo European familiy is distributed in Europe, Latin America, North America, South Asia and the South Pacific. Sino-Tibetan is mainly in East Asia. 


II. Why is English Related to Other Languages?


English is related to other languages because it was created by a language that had created more than one language By more than one language having the same orgin they are similar. So it relates to the languages in its family branch. 


A. Describe the distribution of the Germanic and Indo-Iranian branches of Indo-European.


The distribution of the Germanic branch is in North America, and Northern Europe .The distribution of the Indo-Iranian branch is in South and Central Asia.


B. Describe the distribution of the Balto-Slavic and Romance branches of Indo-European.


The distribution of the Balto-Slavic branch is in Eastern Europe.The distribution of the Romance branch is Southern Europe and Latin America .


C. Describe the origin and diffusion of English


The origin of English is when German-speaking tribes invaded England more than 15,000 years ago. The diffusion of English is when the British started moving around they spreaded the language. For examples when they came to America they made the Native Americans learn their ways, making them learn English. This happened in multiple times on where they moved by spreadign the language.


III. Why do Individual Languages Vary Among Places?


Individual languages vary among places because there are certain people living in each place. For example if Mexicans live in a spot, they most likely will speak Spanish. It varies because certain people live in certain climates or search where there is work. Also it varies because when you travel some places have their official language that they speak. Not everyone speaks the same language.


A. Describe the main dialects in the United States


The main dialect of the United States are divided into four groups. You can tell the differences by tracing the patterns of migration to the American colonies from various parts of England.


B. Explain why it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between a language and a dialect.


Its sometimes difficult to distinguish between language and dialect because the characteristics are really similar and the way you tell the difference by the political decision.


IV. Why do people preserve local languages?


People preserve local languages because it could mean a lot ot the culture around the area. Also it would help shape the type of town it was. If it was a unique town due to their language they would want to get rid of it. Also the language would be a huge part of history for that local town.


A. Give examples of two countries that peacefully embrace more than one language and describe how they do so.


Examples of countries that peacefully embrace more than one language are Switzerland, Belgium, and Nigeria. They do so by having multiple approaches on having a multilingual societies. For example Nigera makes it a requirement ot learn English in order to start school.  


B. Explain the concept of a lingua franca.


The concept of Lingua Franca is to be able to communicate between two languages to trade or to communicate. 


C. Explain why the number of Celtic speakers has declined and how the languages are being preserved.


The number of celtic speakers has declined because the Germanic invaded the area, making it decrease.The languages are being preserved by having advocacy groups and government agencies. 


D. Explain how English has diffused to other languages and the role of Spanish and French in North America.


English has diffused to other languages by combining with them, like Spanish and French through diffusion and relocation. The role of Spanish and French in North America is,French is widely in Canada especially in Quebec and Spanish is is widely used in the United States.













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