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I. Where are States Distributed?


States are distributed in many different places. The United States is made up of states. They are other countries that also have states.


A. Explain why it is difficult to determine whether some territories are states.


It is difficult to determine whether some territories are states because they are so alike and there aren’t any signs or big differences between them. Also that some places don’t recognized sovereign states. Lastly that polar regions are not organized into states which makes that confusing because other states are trying to take control.


B. Explain the concept of nation-state and how it differs from earlier ways to govern.


The concept of nation-state is to have a state that contains a single nation that is not disputed by anyone inside or outside. It differs from earlier ways to govern. because in our history we use to have things like empires, and other unorganized ways of running things or laws.


II. Why are Nation-States difficult to create?


Nation states are difficult to create because there are a lot of things that they have to do or achieve. Also they have to be independent which depending on how big it is, could be really hard. Also they have to contain a single nation that isn’t disputed by anyone inside or outside.


A. Explain the concept of a nation-state


The concept of a nation-state is to have a state that contains a single nation that is not disputed by anyone inside or outside.  


B. Describe the difference between a nation-state and a multinational state.


The difference between a nation-state and a multinational state is the fact that a multinational state is a country that contains more than one nation, which is true for many countries when a nation-state is state that contains a single nation that is not disputed by anyone inside or outside. So in other words a multinational state has more than one ethnicity unlike the nation-state.


C. Explain the concept of colonies and describe their current distribution.


The concept of colonies is that they are parts of an empire that are subordinate and have very little right to self-determination. Much of the world consists of colonies but few remain.


III. Why do boundaries cause problems?


Boundaries cause problems because there can be something that is split between the two area and they both want rights over it. If it was water, for an example, one side can drain the other side as long as they don’t cross the boundary.


A. Describe the types of physical boundaries between states.


The types of physical boundaries between states are like deserts, mountains, and bodies of water.


B. Describe the types of cultural boundaries between states.


The type of cultural boundaries between states are their ethnicities and religion.


C. Describe the five shapes of states.


The five shapes of the states is compact, fragmented, elongated, perforated, and protruded. A compact state is a state (country) in which the distance from the center to any boundary does not vary significantly. A fragmented state is when it includes several discontinuous pieces of territory. An elongated state is when it has a long, narrow shape. A compact state is the distance from the center to any boundary does not vary significantly. A perforated state is a state that completely surrounds another. A protruded state is when you have an extended arm of territory.


D. Describe the concept of gerrymandering and how it is done.


The concept of gerrymandering is to redraw the electoral districts in order to make the votes go in the favor of the party in power. It is done by wasting votes, having excess votes, or having stacked votes.


IV. Why do some states cooperate and compete with each other?


Some states cooperate and compete with each other because there might be something the other state might want or need. Also they will fight over natural resources that are on both sides and basically one state, if it uses enough of that other resource, they could ultimately drain the other side.


A. Describe the principle alliances in Europe during the Cold War era.


The principle alliances in Europe during the Cold War era are that in the second half of the twentieth century, relation among states where dominated. States were allied with the superpowers, the soviet Union and the United States. 


B. Explain the concept of terrorism and describe how states have sponsored terrorism


The concept of terrorism is that it’s the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.States have sponsored terrorism by supplying them with weapons (guns) and intelligence (when and where to do something), and planning states-sponsored attacks.

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