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The development of agriculture led to widespread alteration of the natural environment. (Origins of Agriculture)




A. Identify major centers of domestication of plants and animals and patterns of diffusion in the first (neolithic) agricultural revolution.


Major centers of domestication of plants and animals are Southwest Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Americas. Some patterns of diffusion are things like the Columbian Exchange and the results was globalization of various plants and animals.


B. Explain the connection between physical geography and agricultural practices


The connection between physical geography and agricultural practices is that the agricultural practices are influenced by things like the climate soil and landforms(natural environments). If the area is dried up you aren't going to want to grow any plants. It has to be suitable.


C. Explain the advanced and impacts of the second agricultural revolution


The advances of the second agricultural revolution are that the farms were able to double but were able to use the same amount of labor before. That allowed for more food to be planted and harvested so you were able to feed more people. This really made an impact because it increased the population on both a local and global scale.


D. Analyze the consequences of the Green Revolution on food supply and the environment


There were a lot of consequences from the Green Revolution on not only the food supply but also on the environment. For example for the food supply although it did make it resistance to pesticide but it also made it resistant to other things that now are mutating so they virus and diseases are more resistant. That means when we eat the food that can cause us to get sick by eating it. Also we would be eating all the pesticide on the foods. All of which isn’t good for us. The consequences for the environment are more of the we use artificial fertilizer as well as spraying pesticide all over the food which also affects the things around it. It also just doesn’t stay in the designated area it also flies away affecting it way farther, meaning it ruins and affects the area that other animals live in and affects their natural habitat.


II. Major agricultural regions reflect physical geography and economic forces (The impact of geography on agriculture)




A. Identify agricultural production regions associated with major bioclimatic zones


The agricultural production regions associate with major bioclimatic zones because certain plants and animals can only live in certain places. It mainly has to do with the temperature and the amount of rainfall. So another words it is really based on the climate conditions. You won’t grow coconuts in the middle of the rainforest.


B. Analyze the economic forces that influence agricultural practices.


The economic forces that influence agricultural practices are things like the reflect subsistence or commercial practices, or intensive or extensive use of land. Some companies start getting land or make contracts with farmers as well so they can make profit as well as keep the farmers in the power because of all the requirements that they have.


C. Explain the spatial organization of large-scale commercial agriculture and agribusiness


The spatial organization of large-scale commercial agriculture is increasing because it’s taking over the area that was once the small family owned farms. The transformation of agriculture into large-scale agribusiness has resulted in linking production and consumption of agricultural products and made a lot of the food go to fast food restaurant. Also because of the technology there are a lot of more products being made and are grown at a faster rate as well then growing bigger more specifically towards the animals.


D. Explain the interdependence among regions of food production and consumption


The interdependence among regions of food production and consumption is the fact that food is part of the global supply chain. Food from less developed regions are normally consumed more globally. All of the global food distribution are affected by political systems, infrastructure, and patterns of world trade.


III. Settlement patterns and rural land use are reflected in the cultural landscape. (von Thünen)




A. Identify rural settlement patterns


Rural settlement patterns are patterns are classified as clustered, dispersed, or linear.


B. Compare and contrast the land use zones of von Thünen's model


The land use zones of the von Thünen’s model are similar but different. They both have the same  concept of what is in the model they are just formatted differently. The first one are just rings around each section while the 2nd one considers the fact that there are river and other natural boundaries. So instead of everything going in rings it waves away from the river as show on the side.


C. Analyze the application of von Thünen's land use model to agricultural production in the real world


The application of von Thunen’s land use model compared to the real world is the it is isn’t real. THe models are never exact on the really world thus it is wrong if applied to the real world. The same parts may be present but that doesn’t mean that the format in which the sections are present in the model are the same in towns or cities.


D. Evaluate the environmental consequences of agricultural practices.


The environmental consequences of agricultural practices are things like irrigation, desertification, deforestation, wetland destruction, conservation efforts, and just overall just ruining the natural habitat of poor and innocent creatures.  


IV. Changes in food production and consumption present challenges and opportunities. (Food Industry)


Changes in the food production present challenges because you have to make sure that the product survives and doesn’t go back while growing of sorts. Some of the opportunities where that they used GMOs as well as made the animals bigger. Some of the challenges for consumption is that most people eat fast food because it’s cheaper unlike the health food which costs more. The fast food franchise saw opportunities of expanding and making things cheaper and some places make contracts with farmers and own the food from seed to market.


A. Explain issues related to the changing nature of contemporary agriculture


Some of the issues related to the changing nature of contemporary agriculture are things like sustainability, soil degradation, reduction in biodiversity, overgrazing, river and aquifer depletion, animal wastes, and extensive fertilizer and pesticide use. All of theses things aren’t really good for the environment. They change how the plants are and the fact that the soil is losing nutrition, and instead of fertilized the soil normally with animal waste or of sorts they just make their own chemically made fertilizer. Lastly the pesticide doesn’t really help anyways because it affects all the surrounding organisms other than that they are trying to get rid of. They also cross pollinate which also creates problems among the other farmers, especially if they try to grow organic stuff.


B. Explain issues related to the location of food production facilities


 Some issues related to the location of food production facilities are things like markets, economies of scale, transportation, and government policies as well as people not wanting anything of the sorts in the back yard (NIMBY) because they think it’s noisy and very loud and disruptive.


C. Explain the changing role of women in food production and consumption

The changing role of women in the food production and consumption is the fact they change what we eat as well as the way it’s prepared. They are also the producers of more that 50% of the food that is grown worldwide. They are getting more towards the bigger jobs that men normally do and their are a lot of women that are going in to help out

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