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Task One:  How do geographers describe where things are?


Geographers describe where things are by using different ideas. They can use different maps to help show information about a place and location . Also they use GPS and GIS to understand what they see on Earth’s surface.


A. Explain differences between early maps and contemporary maps. Give examples.


There is a big difference between early maps and contemperary maps. Early geography weren’t very accurate and were limited projections. They  were made by surveying tools.Contemperary maps are more accurate and can be used for different things. Not only are they more accurate but they also are more to scale and can show distance between places.   


B. Describe the role of map scale and projections in making maps. Identify any issues that exist in making maps and make sure to provide visual support.


The reason that there is a scale for a map is its really important. The reason that we have one to make sure that you know where something really is. Without a scale you wouldn't know how big what is and how far away they are. Some issues are that some scales can be wrong or maps can change and be outdated.  


C. Explain how latitude and longitude are used to locate points on Earth’s surface.


Latitude and longitude are used to locate points on Earth’s surface by having points horizontally and vertically of the equator. Then they have points based on where you are or trying to find the coodinates for latitude is a measured distance north or south of the equator, with the North and South Poles as key reference points. Longitude is a measured distance east and west of the prime meridian.


D. Identify contemporary analytical tools, including remote sensing, GPS, and GIS


Remote sensing is the science of gathering data on an object or area from a considerable distance, as with radar or infrared photography, to observe the earth ora heavenly body. GPS is (Global Positioning System) a global system of U.S. navigational satellites developed to provide precise positional and velocity data and global time synchronization for air, sea, and land travel. GIS is a geographic information system, a system for storing and manipulating geographical information on computer. 




Task Two:Why is each point on earth unique?


Each point on Earth is unique because every part has its history to it. Some places have better history than others but the whole world is important. Also very point is unique because it all shows a different things and meanings to geographers.


A. Identify geographic characteristics of places, including toponym, site and situation


 Situation is location of a place on Earth relative to other places. Site is physical characteristics of a place. Toponym is the name by which a geographical place is known. 


B. Identify the three types of regions. Provide examples of each


The three types of regions are formal regions, functional regions, and vernacular region. Some examples of formal regions are Canada, Rocky Mountains, and rice growing areas. Examples of functional regions are Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco Bay Area. Examples of vernacular regions are Southern California, Tampa Bay Area, The South and the Gold Coast. 


C. Describe two geographic definitions of culture.


Two geographic definitions of culture are, one it goes into more of what people believe and eat etc. FOr example foods, the music listen to and how they celebrate different events. secondly, there is location culture by where they live and how they are similar or different from other places.


D.  Describe the site and and situation of Los Banos.


The situation for Los Banos is Central or California or West of Nevada OR South of Canada. THe site for Los Banos is more of a small town, and we have farm land for cotton. Also we have cows and horses as well as some stores but no big ones like costco or a mall.  




Task Three: Why are different places similar?


Different places are similar because we all relate. By relating that makes different places similar as well as how the soil is so we grow similar crops.  


A. Give examples of changes in economy and culture occurring at global and local scales


Examples of changes in economy and culture occurring at global and local scales are for global is different trends. By having new and different trends it changes how people see different things and talk about things. Also it changes different types they like, and dont like. For local scales is therre are more changes because not only do they change global wise but inside the city they have their own trends as well as there own hobbies.


B. Identify the three properties of distribution across space


There are three properties of distribution across space. They are dispersed, clustered, and random distribution which are made because of satalites in outerspace. 


C. . Describe different ways in which geographers approach aspects of cultural identity such as gender, ethnicity, and sexuality


Different ways in which geographers approach aspects of cultural identity such as gender, ethnicity, and sexuality are to look at all of them closely because it really helps. All these aspects make a difference because it helps find trends and different popular things. It helps collect information.


D. Describe how characteristics can spread cross space over time through diffusion


Characteristics can spread cross space over time through diffusion because of how popular something is. If it is popular everyone wants it. It spreads because with today’s technology once one thing is a trend in one place it quickly spreads.  


E.  Explain how places are connected through networks and how inequality can hinder connections


Places are connected through networks because it makes it easier to communicate and do other things.  Inequality can hinder connections because 



Task 4: Why are some human actions not sustainable?


Some human actions are not sustainable because we all have our own ideas and minds. Also by us thinking for ourselves we do are own thing even though it might be totally crazy from what you neighbor might do. Lastly there are different typesof people and they believe in different things.


A. Describe the three pillars of sustainability.


The three pillars of sustainability are social, environmental, and economic pillars. The three pillars of sustainablity is a tool to help defining the complete sustainability problem. If one pillar is weak then the whole thing is unsustainable.


B. Describe the three abiotic physical systems


Abiotic is of or characterized by the absence of life or living   organisms. Three 


C. Explain how the biosphere interacts with Earth’s abiotic system


Biosphere interacts with abiotic because biosphere is the part of the earth's crust, waters, and atmosphere that supports life and abiotic is of or characterized by the absence of life or living organisms.


D.Compare ecosystems in the Netherlands and southern Louisiana

The ecosystem in the Netherlands is different from the ecosystem in Southern Lousiana because the ecosystem in Southern Louisiana is about 40% wetlands. The Netherlands has cool summer and mild winters. These are very different. 




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