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 Where are folkand popular leisure activities distributed?


I.  Folk leisure activities are distributed in very small areas. Folk culture doesnt have many people part of it and their area is shrinking. Popular leisure activities are distributed  all over the world. Its everywhere, mostly where ever you go. As long as they even have technology they are part of popular culture. 


A. Compare the origin, diffusion, and distribution of folk and popular culture.


A. The orgin of folk culture is mostly anonymous and from unknown sources. The diffusion of folk culture is mainly diffused by migration and does it very slowly. The distribution of folk culture is to a very small amount of people. The orgin of popular culture is from developed cuntries and from differnet companies. The distribution of popular culture is to jsut about everyone. The diffusion of popular culture is a lot faster that folk culture and is difffused by celebrities and famous people. 


B. Compare the characteristics of folk and popular music.


B. The charcteristics of folk culture music they are always similar. Folk songs are about people and stories not break ups and being depressed. It can also talk about events and activities. For popular music there characteristics is that they are highly technical and people write music to please an adience and so they can make money.


C. Describe how sports have been transformed from folk to popular culture.


C. Sports have been transformed from folk to popular culture by  evolving them and expanding the area they are in. They get an idea and change the image of it but keeping the concept in order to make it appealing. 


II. Where Are Folk and Popular Material Culture Distributed?


II. Folk culture is distributed to a small group of people. Popular culture is distributed to people who like the latest things. Material culture is distributed to people in the folk and popular culture.


A. Compare reasons for distribution of clothing styles and folk and popular culture.


A. We have distribution of clothing styles for folk and popular culture because we were different things. Folk culture people wear more of clothes from the past and pop culture, we wear the latest thing in the stores. We wear LA Idols, stuff from Forever 21 and a lot of different stores with the latest product. People do not want to wear stuff from Folk culture at all. 


B. Analyze the reasons for folk food preferences and taboos.


B. The reasons why folk  food preferences and taboo are the way they are is because they have certain beliefs. They dont eat certain hings because its agaisnt what they belief in as well as lack of resources.


C. Describe regional variations in popular food preferences.


C. The are different things people eat based on where they are. Also what they believe in. For example people in Italy they have quick fried foods in order to save oil. People in Northern Europe have slow cooking so they can warm their house. Then people in Hindu regions dont eat cows. Also you have Jews would also dont eat cows or pork. It all depends on who you are and where you live. 


III. Why is Access to Folk and Popular Culture Unequal?


III.  The access to folk and popular culture is unequal because not a lot of people dont follow folk customs. Also with all the technology it makes it hard for a person to stay in that folk culture  which means there isnt a lot of people who like it, meaning its hard to find people who still do it. On the other hand tons of people are in the pop culture and acually most poeple are part of popular culture because they all wear the latest thing or has the latest phone.


A. Describe the origin, diffusion and distribution of TV around the world. 


A. The orgin of TV is from a man named Paul Gottlieb Nipkow who was a Germany student. He made the first ever mechanical module of television.

The diffusion of TV is when it was only common in a few countries and became more widespread.The distribution of TV around the world is really everywhere because now lots of different countries have TVs.


B. Compare the diffusion of the Internet and social media with the diffusion of TV.


B. The diffusion with the internet and social media are a lot faster that the diffusion with TV. With the internet stuff spreads a lot faster that stuff on the TV. The TV just really shows different shows but not really what is happen in the world. 


IV. Why Do Folk and Popular Culture Face Sustainability Problems?


IV. Folk cultures are facing sustainability problems because there people are being exposed to pop culture on the boarder. As a result they are losing ground as pop culture are gaining ground. Pop culture are facing sustainability because there ground keeps growing and resources keep getting smaller.


A. Summarize the challenges for folk culture from diffusion of popular culture


A. The challenges for folk culture is that they are losing ground to pop culture. With pop culture moving and spreading they are influencing parts of the world that are folk culture. Also with pop culture gaining ground, more and more people dont want to stay the same they want to try different things. 


B. Summarize the two principle ways that popular culture can adversely affect the environment.


B.  Two principle ways that popular culture can adversely affect the environment are housing, resources and waste. Housing affects the environment because it takes up more area which makes forest land decrease which isnt good for the animals. Waste can affect the environment because it causes pollution. Lastly because popular culture is growing peopel need more resources which is running out.


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