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Task 1: Where is the world’s population distributed?


Task 1: The worlds population distribution is very simple. There are clusters and there are parts of the world were nobody lives. Lots of people live in places like the United States or in Asia. There arent as many people in Africa, Russia, or North or South pole. Lastly people prefer to live where there are supplies for their survival.


A: Describe regions of where population is clustered and where it is sparse.


A. Where population is clustered its in big cities. For example Tokyo or New York City. Also where there are big buildings like malls, and costcos and big time companies. Where population is sparse its hot and doesnt have livable conditions. For example no one lives in the dessert because theres no water. Also nobody lives in the mountains because its not stable. People live where there is space to live and where other peolpe are not in the middle of no where.


B:Define and give examples of three types of density used in population geography.


B.  Three types of density used in population geography are, one arithmetic density, which is the number of people per square kilometer or square mile. An example is  how the world is about 45 to 50 people per square kilometer of land.Two physiologic density which is the number of people per square mile or kilometer of farmable land.An example is how Indias physiologic density is 4,000 per square kilometer. The thrid one was the ratio of the number of farmers to the amount of arable land; developed countries have lower agricultural densities because of technology.


Task 2: Why is global population increasing?


Task 2:  Global population increasing because the death rates are going down. Not as many infants are dying when they are little because of new techonolgy and medicine.


A:Demonstrate how to measure population growth through the natural increase rate using any country.


A. To measure population growth through the natural increase rate you use the RNI= Crude birth rate - crude death rate. Africas crude birth rate is 20.9 and crude death rate is 11.1. So when you subtract it you get 9.8 natural increase rate. 


B:Demonstrate how to measure birth and death through CBR and CBD using a different nations than you chose for task a.


B.  They use Total Fertility Rate (TFR) to help measure the CBR and CDR. While CBR shows you the society as a whole, TFR attempts to predict the future behavior of an individual women. In Africa the TFR is about 5 while in Europe it is less than 2. The average TFR for the world is 2.5.


C: Describe how to read a population pyramid. Provide an example of a population pyramid for a developing nation and a developed nation.


C. To read a population pyramid you need to understand a couple ot different factors. Vertical, it has to do with age. At the bottom its 0-5 and then as it gets higher up the age increases. On the left side, its the population on men and on the right side its the population for women. For developing nations the population would be lower than that of a developed nation. Also for developing nations population would be low for children because infants have a better chance of dying while they are little; once they get passed 5 years old they are most likely to live a long life if they dont get sick. Examples are to the right.


Task 3: Why does population growth vary among regions?


Task 3: Population growth varys among regions for a couple reasons. First some regions dont have the technology to save dying infants so their popluation is low. On the other hand in places like the U.S we have medicine to help save our babies and keep them from dying. Lastly places like China they have a limit to how many children you are allowed to have.


A: Provide an example of the demographic transition model. Describe a country in the modern purled that resides each stage.


A.  An example of demographic transition model is on the right. In the first stage the Amazons are in that range. In the second stage Ethiopia in that range. India in is the third stage, the UK is in the fourth stage and Russia is soon to be in the fifth stage.


B:Identify two approaches to reducing birth rates.


B. Two approaches to reducing birth rates are, one, give women higher education. When women are more educated they tend on having less children. Secondly, in some countries they have a limit to how many children you can have. You can also take a birth control pill and use other products. 


C: Describe Malthus’s argument about the relationship between population and resources. Make sure to provide a visual reference.


C. He was one of the first people to argue that the resources of the Earth will not be able to support the growing population in the future. He though that the food was going ot grow linear or at a constant rate while the population was going to grow exponetinally. Malthus is wrong because resources and food production have exceeded what he expected. He was right on the fact that the population grew exponetially but didnt expect things like GMO's or other chemicals that allows food to grow all year round.


D: Describe the possible stage five of the DTM. Which countries in the modern world maybe in this fifth stage. 


D.  The possible fifth stage of the DTM is when the birth rates and the death rates level out and population stays at a stead rate. Countries that are in the modern world that maybe in this fifth stage is China or Europe. 


Task 4: Why do regions face health threats?


Task 4: Regions face health threats because they dont have the medicine to stop dieases or viruses. If one person gets sick in a poor region others are likely to get it and they cant stop it because they dont have the technology or medicine to stop the sickness.


A: Describe why geographers concern themselves with epidemiology.


A. Geographers concern themselves with epidemiology because if a epidemic was to happen it could wipe out the entire population. So there concerned because one might happen if the right things happen.  


B: Describe the diffusion of AIDS


B. Diffusion of AIDS is whe nit spreads out farther than it is. In Africa ther a lot of people with AIDS. It keeps spreading because there isnt enough medicine and funding to cure everyone . 


C: Describe the reasons for variations in health between developed and developing countries.


C.  There are many reasons for varations in health between developed and developing countries. Developed countries have better health because they have the technology to save the sick people and give vaccines. In developing countries they dont have the medicine, so they cant save the sick. Also the doctors in developing countries move to developed countries because in the deveolping countries they cant paid the doctors. Therefore they move where there is money. 




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